abel.el - abbrevs for Elisp
31 Jan 2015This is a follow-up to an older post about abbrevs.
I did try to make Elisp abbrevs work, but after a few times of getting
expanded to indent-sexp
in strings or comments, I just could
take it no longer.
Luckily and timely, Artur Malabarba revealed his speed-of-thought-lisp. This package does many things, but the main idea that I liked was that the abbrevs should only expand when in the function position, i.e. the abbrev is:
- right after opening parenthesis
- not in a comment
- not in a string
- not in the arguments list
With that idea, I've "refactored" my old abbrevs into
Abel. It's a minor mode add-on for
. When you activate it, around a hundred abbrevs are
added to your abbrev list for emacs-lisp-mode
. When you deactivate
it, these abbrevs are disabled, and your original abbrev list is
restored. It even overrides the mode-line description to Abbrev
while it's active, thanks to
So while you should try sotl
, which provides many other things, keep
in mind: it's a simple upgrade to abbrev-mode
that binds no
bindings and asks no questions.
Here's the current list:
(defcustom abel-abbrevs
;; basics
("a" "and")
("bp" "boundp")
("c" "concat")
("fp" "fboundp")
("ii" "interactive")
("i" "insert")
("l" "lambda")
("m" "message")
("n" "not")
("f" "format")
("u" "unless")
("up" "unwind-protect")
("w" "when")
("wl" "while")
("r" "require")
("ci" "call-interactively")
("cc" "condition-case")
("pg" "plist-get")
("sa" "save-excursion")
("sr" "save-restriction")
("smd" "save-match-data")
;; defines
("de" "declare-function")
("df" "defface")
("da" "defmacro")
("du" "defcustom")
("dv" "defvar")
;; everything with char
("bc" "backward-char")
("scb" "skip-chars-backward")
("scf" "skip-chars-forward")
("gc" "goto-char")
("fc" "forward-char")
("dc" "delete-char")
("ca" "char-after")
;; everything with region
("ra" "region-active-p")
("rb" "region-beginning")
("re" "region-end")
("ntr" "narrow-to-region")
("dr" "delete-region")
("ir" "indent-region")
;; error related
("ie" "ignore-errors")
("e" "error")
;; regex match related
("la" "looking-at")
("lb" "looking-back")
("mb" "match-beginning")
("me" "match-end")
("ms" "match-string")
("msn" "match-string-no-properties")
("rm" "replace-match")
("ro" "regexp-opt")
("rq" "regexp-quote")
("rr" "replace-regexp-in-string")
("rsb" "re-search-backward")
("rsf" "re-search-forward")
("sf" "search-forward")
("sm" "string-match")
;; words
("fw" "forward-word")
("bw" "backward-word")
;; lines
("eol" "end-of-line")
("fl" "forward-line")
("lbp" "line-beginning-position")
("lep" "line-end-position")
("nai" "newline-and-indent")
;; buffer
("bfn" "buffer-file-name")
("bn" "buffer-name")
("bs" "buffer-substring")
("bsn" "buffer-substring-no-properties")
("cb" "current-buffer")
("wcb" "with-current-buffer")
("wtb" "with-temp-buffer")
("efn" "expand-file-name")
("ff" "find-file")
("ffn" "find-file-noselect")
;; window
("ow" "other-window")
("sw" "selected-window")
;; string
("ssn" "substring-no-properties")
("ss" "substring")
("si" "split-string")
("se" "string=")
("sl" "string<")
("sp" "stringp")
;; point
("pi" "point-min")
("pa" "point-max")
("p" "point")
;; key
("gk" "global-set-key")
("dk" "define-key")
;; rest
("ah" "add-hook")
("atl" "add-to-list")
("bod" "beginning-of-defun")
("bol" "beginning-of-line")
("dm" "deactivate-mark")
("fs" "forward-sexp")
("jos" "just-one-space")
("kn" "kill-new")
("lp" "load-path")
("mm" "major-mode")
("sic" "self-insert-command")
("sn" "symbol-name")
("tap" "thing-at-point")
("tc" "this-command")
("ul" "up-list"))
"List of (ABBREV EXPANSION) used by `abel'."
:set (lambda (symbol value)
"Update abbrevs accoring to `abel-abbrevs'."
(set symbol value)
(mapc #'abel-define value))
:group 'abel)