Binding one function multiple times in Hydra
16 Feb 2015Here's a recent feature that's now available in hydra:
(defhydra hydra-zoom (global-map "<f2>")
("g" text-scale-increase "in")
("l" text-scale-decrease "out")
("0" (text-scale-set 0) "reset")
("1" (text-scale-set 0) :bind nil)
("2" (text-scale-set 0) :bind nil :color blue))
Here, the entry points are <f2> g, <f2> l, and <f2> 0, the others aren't bound in the global map. You can also have the same function in both red and blue versions. Here's how the hint will look like:
The multiply-defined functions will be neatly grouped together.
If you remember, (text-scale-set 0)
uses a sexp syntax for a Hydra
head: it will be wrapped in (lambda () (interactive) ...)