Reverting nonsense
18 Feb 2015It happens to me frequently when making a demo, or just experimenting
around that I want to revert the buffer to the last saved
state. Obviously such a command exists in Emacs, and it's
unsurprisingly called revert-buffer
Replace current buffer text with the text of the visited file on disk. This undoes all changes since the file was visited or saved.
But the poor old revert-buffer
isn't bound by default in Emacs. The perfect binding for it is C-x C-r:
(kbd "C-x C-r")
(lambda () (interactive) (revert-buffer nil t)))
I believe the lambda is used to get the "no questions asked"
treatment. Anyway, by default Emacs binds C-x C-r to
, which really is a trash-tier command.
Why is
Because C-x C-q is bound to read-only-mode
- a really
good command (made even better with wdired
and wgrep
). So
is just C-x C-f C-x C-q. And I don't
ever recall needing to use that, since v
) is almost equivalent if not better.
As a bonus, C-x C-r is mnemonic for "revert".
While on the topic, let me mention auto-revert-mode
. I have this in my config:
(global-auto-revert-mode 1)
This way, if any opened and saved file was modified outside of Emacs, it will be updated in a short while. I was able to use this to a great advantage when writing the SVG picture for the Xmodmap post:
- I opened the SVG in the default image mode in one Emacs instance
- and opened the same document in XML mode in another (mode is toggled with C-c C-c)
With that setup, I was able to see the picture update as I was inputting the XML. Here's some Elisp for XML generation, if you're interested
(defun make-row (row-str ix iy fill)
(lambda (x)
"<g><text x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" style=\"font-size:10px;fill:%s;font-family:Deja Vu Sans Mono\">%s</text></g>"
(+ ix (* x 30))
(let ((y (elt row-str x)))
(if (stringp y)
(make-string 1 y)))))
(number-sequence 0 (1- (length row-str)))
95 140
;; =>
The last statement would generate: