(or emacs irrelevant)

A new Swiper demo on Youtube

Youtube video

Today, I've fixed a few bugs in both swiper and ivy. Finally, the number of candidates display has also been added. You can see the whole thing in the one minute video demo.

Here are the bindings that I'm using:

(global-set-key "\C-r" 'swiper)
(global-set-key "\C-s" 'swiper)

Integration tests

I've also added some integration tests, if you're interested. I didn't know how to do exactly this type of testing before (when there's input from minibuffer). Turns out, it's pretty easy to do using execute-kbd-macro:

(require 'ert)

(defvar ivy-expr nil
  "Holds a test expression to evaluate with `ivy-eval'.")

(defvar ivy-result nil
  "Holds the eval result of `ivy-expr' by `ivy-eval'.")

(defun ivy-eval ()
  "Evaluate `ivy-expr'."
  (setq ivy-result (eval ivy-expr)))

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c e") 'ivy-eval)

(defun ivy-with (expr keys)
  "Evaluate EXPR followed by KEYS."
  (let ((ivy-expr expr))
     (vconcat (kbd "C-c e")
              (kbd keys)))

(ert-deftest ivy-read ()
  (should (equal
           (ivy-read "pattern: " nil)
  (should (equal
           (ivy-read "pattern: " '("42"))
  (should (equal
           (ivy-with '(ivy-read "pattern: " '("blue" "yellow"))
  (should (equal
           (ivy-with '(ivy-read "pattern: " '("blue" "yellow"))
                     "y C-m")
  (should (equal
           (ivy-with '(ivy-read "pattern: " '("blue" "yellow"))
                     "y DEL b C-m")
  (should (equal
           (ivy-with '(ivy-read "pattern: " '("blue" "yellow"))
                     "z C-m")


Give the package a try, if you haven't yet. You can get it from MELPA.