(or emacs irrelevant)

New in Emacs - run checkdoc in batch mode

More checkdoc goodness

If you're doing some Elisp coding, you should definitely check out the built-in checkdoc command. Too bad it's (was) interactive-only. With a small modification, I've made it suitable for batch.

You can check out how I did it in the avy (or lispy) repository. Here's my compile target in the Makefile:

emacs ?= emacs

    $(emacs) -batch -l targets/avy-init.el

And here are the contents of avy-init.el:

(add-to-list 'load-path default-directory)
(mapc #'byte-compile-file '("avy.el"))
(require 'avy)
(require 'checkdoc)
(with-current-buffer (find-file "avy.el")
  (checkdoc-current-buffer t))

I made compile target a dependency of the all target, so with a single make I can:

  • run the tests
  • check for compiler warnings
  • check for checkdoc style warnings

compile over ansi-term

There's no reason to use ansi-term (or an external shell) over compile in this case. Using M-x compile (or actually M-x helm-make) I can navigate to any compilation or style warning or failed test from the *compilation* buffer.

For the lazy, it's possible to jump to errors with a mouse, but navigating errors is a breeze with this Hydra:

(defhydra hydra-error (global-map "M-g")
  ("h" first-error "first")
  ("j" next-error "next")
  ("k" previous-error "prev")
  ("v" recenter-top-bottom "recenter")
  ("q" nil "quit"))

There is also ace-link-compilation, but I tend not to use it often.

I make good use of one of the coolest compilation-mode features: pressing g will restart the compilation process.


Check out the new feature, I think it's really cool. Another incentive to try is that lately the emacs trunk has been extremely stable: I'm on Emacs25 almost all the time now, since it feels a lot faster.

Here are my aliasing settings:

$ which newemacs
$ readlink -f `which newemacs`

To run the tests with newemacs instead of emacs (since that's the one for which checkdoc works in batch), use M-x setenv -> emacs -> newemacs.

Free avy with your goto-line

I have a fondness for Emacs commands and key bindings that you can get for free. Here, by "free" I mean customizations that don't require you to change your old workflow (i.e. unbind your old bindings), but still get the new workflow with comfortable bindings.

  • For free (almost physical) keys, see my post on xmodmap.
  • See the last post to see how you can get window manipulation commands "for free" when you call ace-window.
  • With hydra, you can define lightweight minor modes for almost free or even completely free key bindings.
  • With lispy, you get list manipulation bindings (single letters, no less) for free when your point is positioned at a list boundary, or when the region is active.
  • With worf, you get heading navigation and manipulation bindings, also single-letter, when your point is at a heading or markup start.

Today, I describe a recent addition to avy: when you call avy-goto-line and decide that you don't want to use avy-keys to select a line on screen, and you want to select a line by number, you can just enter that number.

avy-goto-line will recognize that you entered a digit, and forward to goto-line with that digit already pre-entered. So basically there's no disadvantage to doing this:

(global-set-key (kbd "M-g g") 'avy-goto-line)

Even if you use the avy method zero times, you lose no efficiency when compared with regular goto-line, you just get a pretty light-show with each call:


You can customize a lot of things in avy, for instance the keys or the way the overlays are displayed. See the new wiki page on customization for more info.

ace-window 0.9.0 is out


I kind of forgot to tag the 0.8.0 release on Github, so it's been a whole 3 months since the last release. In this post, I'll only describe the newest exciting feature in more detail, see the archive for older posts on ace window.

New Features

Display the window decision chars in the mode line

Enable ace-window-display-mode for this. This gives you the advantage of always being aware which window corresponds to which char.

New defcustom: aw-ignore-current

This is off by default. When t, ace-window will ignore selected-window.

Allow to switch the window action midway

Ace-window has many commands available, like:

  • ace-select-window
  • ace-delete-window
  • ace-swap-window
  • ...

But did you wish sometimes when you called ace-select-window that you should have called ace-delete-window? In the old way, you would cancel ace-select-window with C-g and call ace-delete-window.

With the new way, you can, just press x followed by the decision char. All keys are customizable through aw-dispatch-alist.

(defvar aw-dispatch-alist
  '((?x aw-delete-window " Ace - Delete Window")
    (?m aw-swap-window " Ace - Swap Window")
    (?n aw-flip-window)
    (?v aw-split-window-vert " Ace - Split Vert Window")
    (?b aw-split-window-horz " Ace - Split Horz Window")
    (?i delete-other-windows " Ace - Maximize Window")
    (?o delete-other-windows))
  "List of actions for `aw-dispatch-default'.")

The strings beside each command are important: they are used to update the mode line when you press a char. They also mean that a window should be selected using aw-keys for the corresponding command. If there's no string, the command is just called straight away, with no arguments. To reiterate, for each entry without a string, its command will be called immediately, and for others the window will be selected first.

Also, take note of aw-flip-window. Suppose the you have a lot (say 7) windows, but you only want to cycle between the most recent two. You can do so with n, with no need to press the decision char.

I call this feature "the dispatch". The dispatch normally happens when:

  1. you're prompted for aw-keys
  2. you press a char that isn't in aw-keys
  3. there's an entry in aw-dispatch-alist for this char

If you want to skip step 1 always (since, by default, you're not prompted for aw-keys when you have 2 or less windows), use:

(setq aw-dispatch-always t)

Be careful though, setting this means that you'll always have to select a window with aw-keys, even if there are only two. This is a large toll on the muscle memory. On the other hand, even with one window, assuming you've bound ace-window to M-p, you get:

  • split-window-vertically on M-p v
  • split-window-horizontally on M-p b
  • delete-other-windows on M-p o

What's also nice is that these commands scale with the amount of windows: if you have only one window, you get no prompt for M-p v, so it acts just like C-x 2. But if you have more windows, you don't have to select the window that you want to split beforehand: you can select it after you decided to issue a split operation.

See the wiki for a nice customization setup by @joedicastro.


Give the new feature a try. The jump in utility between the new and old ace-window, I feel, is of the same magnitude as the jump between other-window and ace-window. However, it doesn't come for free and the muscle memory needs to be readjusted slightly.

Big thanks to all who contributed, especially to @joedicastro.

New on MELPA - avy

This package contains the library on which ace-window and ace-link now depend, as well as a multitude of navigation commands.



Yes, they used to depend on ace-jump-mode, hence the ace in their names, but as I added features to my packages over time, it became harder to compose features because of ace-jump-mode inflexibility.

Don't get me wrong, ace-jump-mode is a fine standalone package, and if you're using it only for jumping to chars, there are few reasons for you to make the switch. However, if you're interested in the new and juicy features, such as:

  • jumping to word starts
  • jumping to sub-word starts
  • jumping to line beginnings or endings
  • copying and moving lines

with most of the features coming in -0, -1, or -2 flavor, or if you're interested in building an ace-jump-mode-based package, then you should consider avy.

The leading chars flavor

All of the commands provided are about jumping to visible characters, and possibly doing some stuff. Since usually there are a lot of these visible characters, it's advantageous to first narrow them somewhat. So each command can be divided into two phases: the narrowing phase and the decision phase.

There are 3 variations of the narrowing phase:

  • The -0 flavor, e.g. avy-goto-word-0 or avy-goto-line doesn't narrow at all. The advantage that there's minimum context switching (no narrowing phase, only decision phase). The disadvantage is that the number of candidates in the decision phase can be quite large.

  • The -1 flavor, e.g. avy-goto-word-1 or avy-goto-char narrows by the first character of the thing. The disadvantage is the context switch: first you call the command, then you switch context to scan and input the leading char, then you switch context to scan and input the decision chars. The advantage is less candidates in the decision phase.

  • The -2 flavor is my favorite avy-goto-char-2: it reads two consecutive chars, instead of just one. This doesn't impact the narrowing phase too much, since inputting two consecutive chars isn't much more than just one. But it greatly decreases the number of candidates in the decision phase. The small amount of candidates allows me to use this setting for the decision:

(setq avy-keys '(?a ?s ?d ?f ?g ?h ?j ?k ?l))

That's only 9 decision chars, all of them on the home row.

The decision char overlay flavors

Once again, there are three, here are their corresponding defcustoms:

(defcustom avy-goto-char-style 'pre
  "Method of displaying the overlays for `avy-goto-char' and `avy-goto-char-2'."
  :type '(choice
          (const :tag "Pre" pre)
          (const :tag "At" at)
          (const :tag "Post" post)))

(defcustom avy-goto-word-style 'pre
  "Method of displaying the overlays for `avy-goto-word-0' and `avy-goto-word-0'."
  :type '(choice
          (const :tag "Pre" pre)
          (const :tag "At" at)
          (const :tag "Post" post)))

If you're used to ace-jump-mode, the corresponding style is at, which displays the overlay at the target position, one character at a time. I don't like this style most of the time, I prefer pre which is more similar to vim-easymotion: it will display the full char path at once, before the target position. This results in less feedback and more efficiency, in my opinion.


Give the new package a try, it's already been pretty active the last few days, with bugs being fixed and new features appearing, thanks to all who contributed.

If you want to see some screenshots, there are plenty at the repository page, and also in an earlier post.

Finally, the package in on MELPA, so it's convenient to install. The only hassle is to decide where to bind all these commands.

Ivy-mode 0.4.0 is out

This is a feature-packed release with a lot of cool things like:

  • Partial completion on TAB
  • Resume the last completion session with ivy-resume
  • Multi-tier regex matching

The detailed release notes follow.


Glob expansion in rgrep

While completing file names, ivy expands the file name to full. Unfortunately, rgrep uses read-file-name-internal and isn't receptive to globs being expanded with the current directory. A work-around this is to use the generic strategy when ivy is in trouble:

  • enter the input text as if there was no completion.
  • exit with C-u C-j (forwards to ivy-immediate-done).

ivy-immediate-done is currently unbound by default. If you want, you can bind it in your config like this:

(define-key ivy-minibuffer-map (kbd "C-c C-d") 'ivy-immediate-done)

Exclude a couple more modes from font-lock

This time, they are jabber-chat-mode and elfeed-search-mode.

Fix a flag in swiper-query-replace

You can launch a query replace with M-q from swiper.

Avoid sorting org-refile candidates

By default, ivy completion candidates are sorted with string-lessp. The sorting can be customized with ivy-sort-functions-alist. While refiling, the natural order is actually best, so the sorting is turned off in that case.

Reset to the first candidate when switching directories

With ivy-mode you can select a file anywhere on your file system by switching directories repeatedly with C-j (ivy-alt-done). After moving to a new directory, the point should be on the first candidate.

Fixup the face order

All this time there was an issue with the face order swapping between 1 and 2 groups. This is now fixed. Also, I've made swiper-match-face-4 inherit from isearch-fail. It's important to have all 4 faces be different.

Don't error on bad regex

When the current input is a bad regex, just display no candidates and continue. Don't throw an error.

New Features

Use // instead of / to move to root

While completing file names, you can enter // to move to the root directory. This change was necessary in order to make it possible to enter e.g. /sudo: or /ssh:.

Host completion for /sudo: and /ssh:

This feature is a bit flaky for now. But it works well on my machine. It should get better after a few bug reports. You can start the completion right after the method, e.g. /ssh: RET, or after method+user, e.g. /ssh:oleh@ RET.

Respect confirm-nonexistent-file-or-buffer

If you set confirm-nonexistent-file-or-buffer to t (it's nil by default), you'll have to confirm when you create a new file or buffer with ivy.


Highlight remote buffers with ivy-remote face

Just some extra polish to make things look nicer. The buffers to which you're connected through TRAMP will be highlighted with the new ivy-remote face.

Change the prompt for match-required interactions

Sometimes, the Emacs functions that call completion specify to it that a match is required, i.e. you can't just type in some random stuff - you have to select one of the candidates given to you. In that case ivy will appropriately change the prompt like this:


Improve the candidate selection while using history

While completing, you press M-p to select the previous input. This update tries to select not just the first candidates that matches, but the actual previous candidate that you selected before.

Use alpha compositing to add ivy-current-match-face

This is only relevant for when the completion candidates have custom face backgrounds. But in that case, the minibuffer looks a lot nicer.

Add partial completion

Press TAB to do call ivy-partial-or-done to complete the current thing to the largest possible prefix. When called twice in a row, it's the same as C-j, i.e. it will finish the completion.

Improve completion of hidden buffers

In Emacs, hidden buffer names start with a space. To see them all, press a single space while completing buffers in ivy-mode. You can toggle between hidden and non-hidden buffers by editing the first space in your input query. Remember that with ivy-mode the minibuffer is a proper editable area, so C-a works properly (unlike in isearch or ido-mode).

Allow to quote spaces while matching

Spaces are wild while matching - they serve as group boundaries. However, sometimes it would be useful to quote them. From now on, you can quote N consecutive spaces by inputting N+1 consecutive spaces.

Add multi-tier regex matching

This is actually a really cool feature, so if you're paying attention to any section, let it be this one.

User side

For example, I cloned boost-1.58.0 and called counsel-git, which is like a find-file for all files in a git repository at once.

  • Initially, it gives 45919 candidate files.
  • With input "utility", there are 234 candidates.
  • With input "utility hpp", there are 139 candidates.

Now, the interesting part. If I want to exclude anything with "hpp" in it, I change the input to "utility !hpp" (with M-b !) to get 95 candidates (95=234-139, it checks out). I could exclude some more:

  • with input "utility !hpp cpp" there are 57 candidates.
  • with input "utility !hpp cpp ipp" there are 46 candidates.
  • I can unify the regex to "utility ![hic]pp" and also get 46 candidates.
  • exclude htm with "utility ![hic]pp htm" to get only 17 candidates.

You can use this strategy anywhere, not just for git file. For example, in describe-function or swiper.

Elisp side

You can customize ivy-re-builders-alist to make ivy-mode complete in the way that you like. The alist dispatches on the collection type, so you can have one completion strategy for buffers, another for files and still another for everything else.

Each function on the alist should turn the string input into a string regex. So the simplest one would be regexp-quote. If you want to use multi-tier matching, the function should instead return a list of regexps of two types:

  • the ones that should match (will be joined by and).
  • the ones that should not match (will be joined by or).

Add ivy-resume

This feature is still a bit of a work-in-progress. But it allows you to resume the last completion to the point before you entered RET or C-g etc. It only works for features that specifically passed :action to ivy-read. You could resume other features, but nothing would be done when you select the candidate, since ivy-completing-read has no idea what the function that called it was going to do with the result.

Currently, you can resume:

  • counsel-describe-variable
  • counsel-describe-function
  • lispy-goto
  • swiper

Here's how I've bound it in my config:

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-r") 'ivy-resume)
(global-set-key [f6] 'ivy-resume)

The ivy-resume feature adds occur-like functionality to swiper. Calling ivy-resume is like switching to the *Occur* buffer.


Big thanks to all who contributed, especially @tsdh and @zhaojiangbin.

If you're considering to switch from ido-mode to ivy-mode, now is a good time, since the most glaring gaps have now been filled. You can find some up-to-date info on the swiper wiki. I switched the page syntax from markdown to org-mode, but Github makes the headings way to big. So it might be easier to clone the wiki and view the org files in Emacs:

git clone https://github.com/abo-abo/swiper.wiki.git