(or emacs irrelevant)


Why contribute?

Everything that I publish becomes available for all to use, reuse, remix, rewrite - do whatever you want, as long as you contribute it back into the community.

I give willingly, and strive to give as much as I can, after I do my 9-to-5 job that lets me support my family. With enough success of my donation campaign, I could switch to a 4 days per week work. Having one whole day per week to be free to do what I want would mean very much to me: I could undertake more complex tasks that require multiple hours of concentrated work, instead of just doing 1-2 hours of maintenance work every evening after a full work day.


I will do my best to transparently report how much I money I've collected in donations, how much was spent on transfer fees, taxes etc. My goal is not to collect rent. In fact, it's the opposite: I'd like to maximize the amount of value that I deliver to the community. I know that if I were in charge of what I do with my most productive hours (I'm not right now), I would use them a lot better.

Donation methods


1. Liberapay https://liberapay.com/abo-abo/donate
2. Patreon https://www.patreon.com/abo_abo
3. Paypal https://paypal.me/aboabo


This method, although a bit obscure, is one that's most well aligned with my goals, and probably yours as well. According to Liberapay FAQ:

  • it's open source
  • it does not take a cut of payments, and accepts donations instead to cover the maintenance costs

There are no fees for transfers between Liberapay users. You only pay the transaction fees for loading money into your account. So if you want to pay me €1 per month, you could set up a €20 balance for your account and that would be enough for 20 monthly donations. How much charing €20 into your account would cost you:

  • €20.63 via Card (2.106% fee + €0.21 flat)
  • €20.12 via Bank wire (0.585% fee)
  • €20.59 via Direct debit (€0.59 flat)

So if you choose the Bank wire option, I would get (20.00/20.12*100 = 99.41%) of the money that you give.